Amy and Tom

A tiny meow echoed through the bathroom window. I rushed outside, but the little kitten ran off before I could get close. As my attempt to find a kitten to foster was foiled, I thought back to the kittens we were lucky enough to foster when we lived in Daegu.

First up is Amiable (Amy) and Tom.
Here are a selection of my favourite feline photographs.

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While I love travelling, one of the things I miss most is having pets.
However we have fostered a few kittens, which has allowed us to look after some amazing animals.
Today, I want to share Sakina’s story.

While we were working in Oman, we found Sakina in the parking lot on our way to college one morning. The day we found her she was a wisp of a thing,
so we started off calling her Whisper.
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