Accommodation in Dadaepo

We’ve recently moved to Saha-gu, Busan, South Korea.
Here’s an overview of our flat. First up is the entrance hall with space to hang our bags, and store our shoes. The doorway is kind of narrow, but it’s convenient to have a place to keep these odds and ends.

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Accommodation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phnom Penh truly is a city of contrasts. The rapidly expanding city blends traditional and western in a swirling mass of heat, stench, and energy. It is a heady mix that is dizzying and baffling and will not let you go once it has you in its grip. Amidst the rotting refuse littering the streets, deafening traffic, lights and smog, you can find pockets of peace. Here is a brief overview of out flat in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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Accommodation in Ibri, Oman

Our accommodation in Ibri was organised by the company who recruited us.
If you decide to teach in the Middle East or Gulf countries, it seems to be common practice to have accommodation organised or to be given a housing allowance.
All the furniture was also provided.

This is the view of the front of our apartment building.
We lived on top of a furniture store, on a busy street in the village.

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